Learn Buy Menu and Prices

Those 30 seconds you have before a round are not the time for surfing the purchase interface and looking for something you could buy. Your brain should be busy answering “What do we need right now?”, not “Where’s that M4A4?” or “Is that enough for AWP?” Take your time to explore the menu without the … Read more

The Basics

Every player starts a CS:GO match with a specific amount: $800. Successful actions, such as kills or planting/defusing a bomb, generate money. Losses are also profitable, and even with a lost round teams get something to their account, but the sum is significantly smaller. The general formula is: the more successful your team is from … Read more

Learn from Professionals

Read guides, watch streams, and follow esports tournaments. Feel like a sponge that absorbs CS:GO tips and tricks to use them in your games. Twitch streamers spend lots of time in the game, so they definitely know some interesting tricks. Esports teams earn a lot of money, so their fights make up the best CS:GO … Read more

Consider the Economy

Players should earn a lot in the game and wisely spend these funds. The in-game economy is often ignored by beginners, and this is a mistake. Your purchases depend on many factors. For example, after losing the pistol round or having no resources in the middle game, the team should go eco – buy nothing … Read more

Use Grenades

The game has nice weapons and very good grenades, so players should use both. First, it’s difficult to understand when and where you would throw Smokes, Flashbangs, Molotovs, and HE Grenades. Many beginners do this chaotically, with no good effects at all. Still, don’t stop this practice. Professional players also use a lot of grenades … Read more

Adjust the Game Setting for Maximum Comfort

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gives lots of opportunities to change something inside the game – through the traditional Settings Menu or many CS:GO console commands. Gain the basic game experience and you will begin to feel what you should adjust. Many Counter-Strike tips recommend paying proper attention to the following aspects: Mouse Settings – decrease the … Read more

Bots and Casual Matches before Competitive

It’s a special feeling when you jump into CS:GO for the first time and find yourself in total chaos, not knowing what is going on. Perhaps you don’t know where that bombsite is, how the enemies can kill you so quickly, and why everyone is yelling at you. The CS:GO community is quite toxic, so … Read more

Learn Map Control

Beginners in CS:GO may try to bring behavior patterns from other shooters, such as Battle Royale games – and this is not how to be better at CSGO. The game is not about just keeping alive and staying together to protect the team. Here you have straightforward goals, and you have to control the map … Read more

Communicate with Your Teammates

You can be a good player but you can’t win CS:GO matches alone. It’s a team-based shooter first of all (as well as Team Fortress 2), so start developing your communication skills from the very beginning. Share your position, inform other players on the enemy actions, coordinate your strategy in each round, and just share … Read more