Suicide Burger

Cost: $3.99


My jaw literally dropped upon seeing this monster for the first time. It dropped further after reading the price. For only $4, you too can get four beef patties, four slices of cheese, bacon, and the special sauce jammed between two sesame seed buns.

This behemoth creation of a burger is probably one to avoid for the weak of heart, literally and figuratively – it’s too big for most to eat, and there’s so much grease that I’d be a little afraid to down one if I had a history of heart problems – but it is oh so worth it.

Any avid fan of a good burger will be unable to control their watering mouth upon seeing this burger. Just writing about it is making me salivate uncontrollably.

Try asking for a Quad Stacker to order one, but if they don’t understand, just say it’s four beef patties, four slices of cheese, bacon, and the special sauce in a burger. Let them whip up this masterpiece and bask in the beefy glory.

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