Pity is what matters when it comes to Wishes

Wishing for characters or weapons in Genshin Impact is always a gamble, considering you never know what you’re going to get. But this is where Pity comes in: a system that basically guarantees you will get a four or a five star within a certain number of wishes.

When people say it’s better to wish ten times as it gets you a guaranteed four star, that’s true, but what gets you the guaranteed four star is pity, and that happens whether you wish ten times individually, or with ten wishes at once. This means that what is more important is consistently wishing on the same banner until you hit your pity count, especially if it has a featured weapon or character you want.

Here’s how pity works for each rarity of character or weapon:

  • After nine wishes without a four star, the tenth wish is guaranteed to be four star.
  • After 89 wishes without a five star, the 90th is guaranteed to be a five star. From 75 wishes onwards the chance to pull a five-star is increased every wish until it hits 100% on the 90th.
  • After 79 wishes on a weapon banner without a five star, the 80th is guaranteed to be five star. From 65 wishes onwards the chance to pull a five-star is increased every wish until it hits 100% on the 80th.

It’s also important to consider that these counts reset to zero whenever you roll a character or weapon of that particular rarity.

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