OTW – Ones To Watch

What makes Ones to Watch special?

The Ones to Watch items dynamically upgrade and have an opportunity to increase in ratings throughout the season. If you have a Ones to Watch item in your club, its ratings will automatically match that of the players latest Team of the Week, Man of the Match, European Team of the Tournament, Hero or Record Breaker In-Forms. The better the player performs in real life, the higher their ratings become!

What is a Live Item?

Ones to Watch players will be released as Live Items. The ratings on this item type update automatically, whether they are in your Club or listed on the Transfer Market.

When do Ones to Watch items get updated?

The items get automatically updated when a new Team of the Week, Man of the Match, European Team of the Tournament, Hero or Record Breaker is released, provided that the player is included.

What happens if a Ones To Watch Player is transferred/loaned to a different club?

The Ones To Watch Player Item type attributes and latest applicable in-form rating will be unaffected. However, his OTW player item type will remain at the players previous club until he gets an applicable in-form at which point the player’s club, crest and dynamic image will be updated

What happens if a Ones To Watch Player changes nationality?

The Ones To Watch Player Item will be updated with the new nationality as soon as possible.

What happens if a Ones To Watch Player is transferred/loaned to a club not in FUT 24?

The Ones To Watch Player Item type will remain at the club he was previously at and he will not receive any further in-forms. His Ones To Watch Item type will continue to carry the last applicable in-form rating he received.

What is the criteria for picking Ones to Watch players?

Ones to Watch players consist of a curated selection of the highest profile and most promising players who have been permanently transferred or on full season loans between clubs in the most recent Summer transfer window and are also age 30 or under.

How long do Ones To Watch items continue to receive a stats boost?

If you have a Ones to Watch item in your club, its ratings will automatically match that of the players latest applicable In-Form until the end of that player’s domestic league season. At this point, the player’s Ones To Watch Item type will continue to carry the last in-form rating he received through FIFA 24.

What happens if a Ones To Watch Player’s in-form is in a different position to their Ones To Watch item?

The player’s position on his Ones To Watch item type will not change. He will however continue to receive any attribute upgrades from that and future applicable in-forms.

Can I get OTW cards for free?

You may get Ones to Watch cards from a pack or as a reward which could be tradeable or untradeable. By pre-ordering FIFA 24 Ultimate Edition, you will receive an OTW card for free (untradeable).

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