Consequences of cheating

Along these years, EA has taken a few actions against cheaters, but we still think they were not enough, especially for PC. Let’s see the main ones:

EA has created a penalty system that includes remove you from FUT Champions leaderboards (you lose your rewards), wipe your FUT coins, delete your FUT club, temporarily or permanently locking your account out of the Transfer Market, ban you from your current FC 24 game, from all FC 24 games or even from all EA games. Players will think twice before cheating.

This is an old one. A few years ago, EA removed a useful feature that allowed you to trade items directly with your friends. Unfortunately, they really had to do it in order to fight cheaters.

Many players were used to own several clubs and transfer the items from their starter packs, daily gifts and other offers for the main account. To avoid this, EA made these cards (and many others) untradeable. In other words, it is not possible to sell them on the transfer market.

A new two-factor authentication was added to help keep intruders away from gamers accounts. For each player it is generated a numeric pass code, valid for a short period of time, needed to log-in in accounts from an untrusted device or every 90 days. From time to time, you also see some (stupid) captchas.

EA introduced a system to detect bots accessing their servers. They have suspended thousands of accounts with suspicious activity, but unfortunately, many of them are from very active traders who are following the rules. It’s a shame to see this happening to honest gamers who paid the game. In a few cases, they got their accounts back but most of the time the best they can do is to create another account, start over again and quit doing anything in the market to avoid being banned again.

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