Make mental notes of where you find good gear

There are structures all over PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, but lots of them tend to yield garbage equipment, if they contain any at all. Certain locations — warehouses, industrial structures, military bases, stores — tend to have better gear, especially near towns. Better still, unique locations, such as blasted government buildings, tend to have good gear as … Read more

Be sneaky when it counts

In line with our previous point, even if you aren’t hunting players through towns, you’re likely a little over-worried about stealth. Especially in the early game, sneaking around can actually be counterproductive, slowing you down when you need to loot and move on to get yourself outfitted as well as you can, as quickly as you … Read more

Try being aggressive to improve

While many players will instinctively play carefully, avoiding conflicts and sneaking around (especially while still learning the ropes), if you want to get better at the game, you might be better off taking a more aggressive stance. When you air-drop in bigger cities and larger settlements, try to hunt down other players, and spend time … Read more

The right weapon for the job

Knowing what the best PUBG weapons are can be crucial. You might be tempted to use the high DPS weapons like assault rifles, SMGs, etc. but unless you’re able to effectively handle the recoil your shots will be wasted, and then you’ll be dead. That said, assault rifles specifically are something to watch out for. … Read more

Play the border, but also the blue

As long as you get yourself some decent healing options, playing /in/ the blue zone can be beneficial as it will keep you out of harm’s way for longer, and may net you some easy kills. You’ll also be able to loot for longer. As you progress to the mid-to-late game, you’ll definitely be wanting … Read more

Never stop moving

Even jiggling back and forth, leaning, or running circles can save your life in PUBG by never allowing the enemy an easy shot. This is especially important when aiming in a gun battle: you never want to make yourself an easy target. Moonlighting as a parkour superstar also couldn’t hurt – the game is a … Read more

Close the doors

This is important because firstly, you weren’t born in a barn. Secondly, it can actually be a good bit of psychological warfare on your opponents. Typically speaking you can tell if a place has been looted because all the doors get left open. It signifies that a player has gone looting. So when you come … Read more

Use vehicles carefully

If a player knows where you are in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds they have a great chance of killing you. Driving around in a noisy, bulky jeep or sedan alerts everyone in the area to your presence, making it tough to then go back into hiding. If you are going to use a car, do so to … Read more

Wear a helmet

This is an easy one – headshots are fatal without a helmet, so go find one. A level one will do, but honestly, always keep an eye out for the best helmet possible, even if it’s a bit damaged. While you’re there, get a good vest as well. High level is good, but when it … Read more

Patience is key

This is not a game for itchy trigger fingers or renegades – just because you can see an enemy, it does not necessarily mean you should shoot them. It is not just that you might miss or get killed by them, it is that you do not know who else is watching or going for … Read more