Learn The Weird Control System

Regardless of whether you’re playing on Xbox One or PC, PUBG has some slightly odd controls that you need to get used to if you want to succeed. Here are a few of the important ones to remember:

  • On PC, clicking the right mouse button aims down the sights. On Xbox One, you quickly pull the left trigger to activate it.
  • Holding the right mouse button down on PC activates an over-the-shoulder view. On Xbox One, holding the left trigger activates this view.
  • Hold Alt on your keyboard to activate a free-look camera that won’t hamper your movement. On Xbox One, this can be activated by holding the right shoulder button.
  • You can change the rate of fire of your gun by pressing the B key on your keyboard, or the left button on your Xbox One D-pad.

Thankfully, PUBG lets you remap controls on PC, and there’s now a “Type B” control system on Xbox One that lets you hold the left trigger to activate iron sights, instead of shifting your view over the shoulder. It’s also worth memorizing your inventory, and the inventory navigation controls so you can dive in and reorganize while on the move.

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