FUT Coins

In our FIFA 23 Coins Guide you can find out:

  • Which trading strategy suits you best
  • How to earn FUT-Coins in FIFA 23 quickly
  • How to become a FUT millionaire without FIFA Points

FIFA 23 Coins & FIFA Points: What is the difference?

Like in Madden 23 or NHL 23, there are two in-game currencies in FIFA 23:

You use FUT-Coins (also FUT-Coins) to buy players as well as for all other important actions around the FIFA Ultimate Team mode. FUT Coins are earned by completing matches and as rewards for a good rank in Division Rivals, Squad Battles or the Weekend League. In addition, you can earn countless coins by completing challenges and team events and especially by trading on the transfer market.

FIFA Points can only be bought with real money. With FIFA Points you get additional card packs (Lootboxes). These contain random players as well as club or consumable objects. If you quick-sell the FUT objects on the transfer market, you can quickly earn FUT coins.

Warning: There are many websites that sell FUT Coins. You pay the sellers real money so that they buy your players for an overpriced price on the FIFA 23 transfer market. We don’t recommend you doing this, since the purchase of coins is forbidden. If EA finds out about it, you might get your team suspended.

If you really want to use your real money to gain an advantage in FUT, buy FIFA Points – with EA Play you will get a discount of 10 percent. FIFA Points are especially worthwhile in the first days and weeks after the release of a new FIFA spin-off. Until then only a few special cards have been released and you can easily turn the purchased content into money.

But you don’t have to invest real money if you want to earn FIFA 23 Coins. If you act skillfully while trading, you can easily collect FUT coins worth several hundred Euros. In the following, we will tell you how you can do it best.

Earn FIFA 23 FUT-Coins: Why you have to start early?

Start FIFA 23 Trading as soon as possible if you want to become a FUT millionaire. Because at the release of the FIFA 23 Web App not all players have access to the transfer market yet. As a result, the demand for the most popular players increases more than the supply – and with it the price.

You will make the biggest profit if you buy popular players on the first day of the FIFA 23 Web App or Early Access phase (starting September 30, 2020) and sell them again shortly before the release of the FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition on October 6, 2020. Fast players from top leagues are especially suitable for this. Take a look at Marcel Sabitzer (RB Leipzig), Leroy Sané (FC Bayern Munich) or Anthony Martial (Manchester United).

Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona), Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus Turin), Kylian Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) or similar top players in FIFA 23 are the exception. Their market value usually increases until the first Weekend League and beyond. So put them quietly in your first Fut Squad to break down the competition and sell them at a high profit to the first Weekend League.

You can find more interesting candidates in the Players Game Performance (PGP) of FUTBIN. The community quickly notices which maps are overpowered in the current FIFA and correspond to this years meta. As a result, players with a particularly high number of missions in FUT 23 are in high demand, so that their price usually increases or in the worst case remains stable.

Another reason why you have to start trading early is your budget. The sooner you earn your first FUT coins and coins, the sooner you can reinvest them. On the one hand, this means higher absolute profits, on the other hand, some trading strategies require a higher budget.

FIFA 23 Trading-Guide: All trading strategies at a glance

In FIFA 23 there are different trading strategies with which you can earn a lot of FUT-Coins and coins. But some of them are more complex and riskier than others. Furthermore, some methods require a financial cushion and basic knowledge. In the following we will introduce you to all trading strategies in FIFA 23 and tell you how they work.

Decide for yourself what is the best trading method for you:

Overpriced selling

FUT-Trading: Overpriced Selling Explanation
Knowledge: Low No special knowledge needed.
Effort: Medium In the beginning about 1-2 hours, later 1 minute per hour
Budget: Low Works with every budget
Risk: Medium When prices are getting lower
Duration: Medium Unpredictable
Profit: Medium Unpredictable

How does overpriced selling work in FIFA 23?

Overpriced selling (OS) in FIFA 23 works as follows: You buy players at their market value and sell them slightly more expensive (+10 to +30 percent). Overpriced selling works because not every buyer always looks for the best price. If your card appears in the search, a particularly lazy buyer might strike.

The higher you set the price, the longer it takes to find a buyer. Keep in mind that many small profits are more efficient than few large ones. Also, set the auction duration to one hour and re-offer unsold players every hour. It all depends on the mass: The more players you offer for OS, the higher the chance that you will sell one or more players.

Overpriced selling works best with cards that are used in the game or required for SBCs. Just search for “OS lists” or look at the most popular players on FUTBIN if you are looking for suggestions. Overpriced selling works with any budget and at any stage of the game. If you are patient and always on the ball, you will earn countless FIFA 23 Coins through OS!


Sniping & Flipping

FIFA 23-Trading: Sniping & Flipping Explanation
Knowledge: Low Understanding graphs or trends
Effort: Medium You only earn coins if you are active on the market
Budget: Low Works with every budget
Risk: Low Almost no risk
Duration: Low You usually take the profits immediately
Profit: High Yes, you need to be fast

How does sniping and flipping work in FIFA 23?

Sniping and Flipping is one of the best trading methods in FIFA 23 if you want to earn FUT-Coins fast. Sniping is the targeted purchase of FUT objects below their market value. Flipping means that you immediately put the cheaply bought players or consumption objects back on the market more expensive.

To do this, you go to the transfer market and specify the search settings – the so-called sniping filter. Especially suitable for sniping are players who have many stakes and are therefore traded often. Alternatively, popular consumption objects like Shadow or Hunter are suitable. Initially sets the maximum instant purchase price below the market value so that no object is shown in the search.

Then the search updates until a result appears in the search and strikes you in a flash. Adjust two search criteria for each search, otherwise no new results will be shown. This works best if you set the minimum bid price to 150 and the minimum buy now price to 200 to increase the values with each new search.

Once you have bought the object of your desire, put it back on the transfer market at the market price to take some quick FUT coins with you and repeat the process. The best results with sniping and flipping you will get with the FIFA 23 Web App, because you can use the Enter key to confirm the purchase. But also on the console you can get some bargains if you have internalized the key combination.



FUT 23 Trading: Icon-Trading Explanation
Knowledge: Low Understanding graphs or trends
Effort: High You have to search for good deals
Budget: High Prices of Icons are high
Risk: High You might lose many coins
Duration: Medium 1-5 Days
Profit: Very high

How does Icon-Trading work in FIFA 23?

Icon-Trading is a high-budget trading strategy in FIFA 23, with which you can earn a lot of FUT-Coins – but also lose them. You buy icons at low prices to sell them a little bit more expensive later. Since the icons are very expensive, only a few good trades are enough to make big profits. Ideally you combine icon trading with sniping & flipping.

In order to be profitable with icon trading, you have to take into account the 5% fee that EA Sports charges for every sale. That means if you sell an icon for 500,000 FUT coins, you lose five percent (25,000 coins) to EA. Consequently, you must have bought the player for less than 475,000 coins to make a profit.

You will only succeed if you understand the market trends in FIFA 23. Usually the purchase prices for icons are lowest between Sunday and Tuesday. This is because many players sell their Weekend League teams here and thanks to the Squad Battles Rewards, which open on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings, additional tickets flood the market.

The best selling prices are achieved between Thursday and Saturday. By Thursday afternoon, most players have sold their Division Rivals and FUT Champions Rewards and want to invest the earned FUT Coins in icons for the Weekend League teams. The high demand is causing prices to rise until Saturday afternoon, when the first players have completed their 30 Weekend League matches.

In addition, there are usually few icons on the market at night. Offer your icons 20-30 percent above the lowest instant purchase price when you go to bed. You will be surprised how many times the player is sold the next morning. If you want to earn a lot of FUT-Coins in the long run with icon trading, you have to study the price development of icons on Futbin and get a feeling for the price development yourself.


SBC-Trading mit Futbin

FIFA 23-Trading: SBC-Trading Explanation
Knowledge: Medium Research or creation of SBC solutions necessary
Effort: Medium Depending on how skilled you are and whether you create your own solutions
Budget: Low With few FUT-Coins and coins possible
Risk: Low Price drops when the SBC expires or when better solutions appear
Duration: Short 1-2 Days
Profit: High Often you can sell players for a multiple of the market value

How does SBC-Trading work in FIFA 23?

With SBC-Trading you take advantage of the fact that certain players are needed for popular Squad Building Challenges. As a result their market value increases and you earn FUT-Coins if you identify the right candidates early and buy them. First visit the SBC overview on FUTBIN and choose an SBC with many thumbs up ratings.

Click on the Squad Building Challenge of your choice to see the most favorable solutions. Since the prices on Futbin are not updated in real time, there is a difference between the displayed and the players’ actual market prices. This is because most players blindly follow the cheapest solution, which usually includes one or two rare but cheap cards.

As a result, the demand for such cards and thus their price is increasing enormously. However, since the players are essential to the solution, they are bought for a multiple of the market price – until the FUTBIN prices are updated and the SBC solution falls back to a back seat, whereupon the market price of the players recovers and the solution slides back up.

Therefore, look at the prices of all players in the SBC solutions in the back squares, for example below the cheapest 20. Identify rare gold, silver or bronze cards in the squads whose price is significantly above their average market price. Since the solution is now no longer at the top of the list, demand and thus the price on the transfer market drops.

As a result, you have a time window of a few minutes to take the players cheaply off the market before the price is also adjusted to FUTBIN and the SBC’s solution is again displayed among the top results. Offer the bought players now well above the market value and wait until the offer is scarce again and you earn countless FUT-Coins.

The SBC trading is one of the best trading strategies in FIFA 23, but you have to internalize the principle once and develop a feeling for when you buy and sell which tickets. Afterwards you can even increase your profits by creating your own SBC solutions with cheap, rare players and buy the market empty before.



FUT-Trading: Investing Explanation
Knowledge: High Knowledge about promos, releases and market behavior required
Effort: Low
Budget: Medium
Risk: High With wrong speculation losses threaten, your budget is often blocked in the long run
Duration: Medium Few days to weeks
Profit: High High profits with good speculation

How do I invest correctly in FIFA 23?

When you invest you bet on rising prices of certain cards. Therefore you need to know about upcoming promotions and the market behavior in FIFA 23. In general, this means that you buy players at the market price and speculate on selling them in a few days or weeks at a much higher price.

In particular, you rely on the Out-of-Packs method. If a player’s special card appears and can be drawn into packs, the corresponding Gold card is taken out of the packs during this period. Due to the lack of gold card offers, their price increases – the more popular the gold card is, the stronger the price increase. The Out-of-Packs method is particularly suitable for the Team of the Week (TOTW).

In concrete terms, this means that if a player has performed particularly well in real soccer, he can receive a team of the week card and his regular card disappears from the packs for a week. Consequently, you invest in gold cards of players who have played particularly well and hope that they will receive a team of the week special card and you can sell the gold card a few days later at a profit.

It also works the other way around: Invest in especially popular cards from the current Team of the Week. Because as soon as the new TOTW is released, the cards of the current TOTW disappear from the packs, which increases the price of the most popular cards. It is best to invest in TOTW cards on Tuesdays before the new Team of the Week is released on Wednesday.

Another way to invest is to speculate on promos in FIFA 23. When EA launches a new promo, popular SBCs are usually included, which require a team with a certain strength. If you have invested in cheap 82s, 83s, 84s or other needed players before, you can earn FUT-Coins quickly and easily by selling them shortly after the release of the SBC.


OTW-Trading: Ones To Watch

FUT-Trading: OTW-Trading Explanation
Knowledge: Medium Prerequisite: Current football knowledge and luck
Effort: Low
Budget: Medium OTW players are mostly expensive
Risk: Medium You could lose coins if the players don’t perform well
Duration: Medium 5-14 Days
Profit: High High profits if players perform well


How does OTW-Trading work in FIFA 23?

In FIFA 23 there are again stars in focus special cards (Ones to Watch). These are dynamic maps that are upgraded during the season based on real performances of the players – and this when the player receives an inform map. This usually happens when the player receives a Team of the Week, Man of the Match or Team of the Tourname card.

Consequently, you are betting that a player with a Ones to Watch card will perform well in real soccer and receive several Inform cards. If you’re right, the value of the OTW card will increase dramatically. But be on your guard, because many FIFA 23 Trader want to trade with the Stars in the Spotlight cards at very short notice and want to earn FUT-Coins on the fly.

If you notice that the price of a Star in the Spotlight card has already risen sharply in the last days and hours, then your train has already left the station and you should keep your hands off an investment.

Either you have to be really fast and invest in the map right after a goal of the player in real soccer – even before the game is over. Or better, you’re going to rely on OTW players you believe in over the long term, players you like to have in your club anyway. You sell them exactly when the hype is at its greatest to earn the most FUT coins and coins. The biggest profits are usually made a few hours before the expected Inform card is released.

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