Stay in the Safe Zone

Like other Battle Royale games out there, PUBG sections up the map into a Safe Zone, a Red Zone, and a life-zapping danger zone. The Safe Zone is marked by a blue line on the map that slowly constricts, bringing people into a smaller playing area over time. If you’re caught on the wrong side … Read more

Pick Your Fights

The biggest part of surviving in PUBG is knowing when to fight – that, and being aware of your surroundings. If someone is firing at you from a distance, you’re better off running to cover instead of trying to fight. On the flip side, there’s absolutely no point in sniping someone using a gun without … Read more

Always Search for the Essentials

As soon as you land, you need to hunt for guns and gear to help you survive. Everything can be found on the floor in buildings, so don’t waste your time looking elsewhere. You’ll want to grab essentials as quickly as possible, but luck always plays a part in what you’ll find. Sometimes you’ll find … Read more

Know When to Drop

Each PUBG game starts with all 100 players piled into a transport plane flying a random path across the map. Deciding when and where to drop is your first big decision and can easily determine whether you’ll last 30 seconds or 30 minutes. Once you jump, you have two choices: dive as fast as you … Read more

Understand the Point

So any shooter game has the same goal, right? Well, not necessarily. The idea behind PUBG is survival. Whether that means camping or fighting, that’s your ultimate objective. Outlive everyone else using any means necessary (so to speak, we mean in the game). PUBG does have a ranking system for each season and those who … Read more