Award Winning

Award – winning professional shot from the back of a young boy with a teddy bear sticking out of his back pack walking through a war zone, very emotional shot, cinematic background,phenomenal attention to detail, shot with Nikon Z9 Mirrorless using Nikon 100 – 400mm f/ 4. 5 –5. 6 VR S Nikkor Z Lens

Cartoonish Cowboy

Cartoonish cowboy in western landascape, skinny, badass, rough lines and hand – drawn quality,raw and gritty appearance, unique charm and a DIY feel, exaggerated proportions and distinctive facial features, large eyes, expressive mouth, unique hairstyles, using subtle nuances in facial features, rough yet expressive lines, exaggerated character designs, , strong contrasts and intense hues, evoke … Read more

Cinematic Woman

A character with brown eyes and black hair, in the style of detailed atmospheric portraits,sparkling water reflections, hyper – detailed illustrations, wandering eye, Fujifilm Eterna Vivid 500T, chocolate – brown and midnight – black, intense close – ups